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zhukaoba发布于 2020-03-24 23:43
  • 试卷时长
    120 分钟
  • 题目数
    7 道题
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积分 100.0 / 次 买考试




第一部分:填空题 (共2道题) 展开全部
1 [ 填空题 ] (15.0分) 未指定技能
填词补句。The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth and changed U.S. society(__)many ways. Many in-home jobs that used to be done primarily by women----ranging(__) family shopping to preparing meals to doing voluntary work-----still need to be done by someone. Husbands and children now(__) some of these jobs, a situation that has changed the target market for many products. Or a working woman may face a crushing “poverty of time “ and look for help elsewhere, creating opportunities for producers of frozen meals, child care centers, dry cleaners, financial services, and the(__).
Although there is still a big wage(__) between men and women, the income working women generate gives them new independence and(__)power. For example, women now purchase about half of all cars. Not long ago, many cars dealers insulted women shoppers by(__)them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands. Now car companies have realized that women are(__)customers. It’s interesting that some leading Japanese car dealers were the first to really (__)attention to women customers. In Japan, fewer women have jobs or buy cars ---- the Japanese society is still very much male—oriented. Perhaps it was the extreme contrast with Japanese society (__) prompted American firms to pay more attention to women buyers.
2 [ 填空题 ] (15.0分) 未指定技能
完形补文。【Crude Oil】Although crude oil is still vastly (vast) available in the earth, it is not a / an__________(finite) resource. At some point it will finally be___________(exhaust). The demand for crude oil has increased by gigantic proportions. However,___________( discover) of new oil fields and investing in the oil industry have helped keep up with the____________(increase) demand for oil. The crucial question is, how long will the oil resources last?
__________(advance ) technology has made drilling oil more___________(effect) and efficient. With the aid of new methods it is possible to draw almost 65% of the oil as opposed to the old metnods. More____________(invest) have also made the drilling of oil well more effective. Currently most________________(transport) is dependent on oil and many industries are born out of or lean on byproducts of petroleum. Although alternative sources of energy are now _________(apply) , like solar and wind energy, it is still a long way to be completely_____________(dependent) of crude oil.
第二部分:组合题 (共4道题) 展开全部
1 [ 组合题 ] (10.0分) 未指定技能
Green Transportation。Green transportation choices provide you with the keys to the kingdom as you travel. You can walk off the calories of that buttery croissant as you explore Paris. Or better understand Chinese culture as you park your Flying Pigeon bicycle amid 100 others in a Beijing parking lot dedicated just to bikes. A marine ferry takes longer than an airplane to get you to Alaska, Mykonos or Nova Scotia, but you have a good chance of seeing dolphins and eagles, reading a book or two and chatting with the crew. Youll save money, your waistline and fossil fuel emissions by taking the greener road.
Step 1:Get out of the car and walk once you arrive. The very greenest transportation choices are the non-motorized ones-bicycling and walking. Fortunately, both are also the best way to see a city. Pack comfortable shoes so you can explore without foot fatigue.
Step 2:See if your lodging provides free bicycles for guests, recommends Irene Lane of Greenloons, a company that advises families on ecotourism travel choices. If not, rent a bicycle from a shop: many carry electric bikes thatll help you tackle hills or long rides even if youre not in top biking shape. In addition, see if your destination has a bike-sharing system thats accessible to tourists. For a small fee, these sharing systems allow you to pick up a bicycle from a nearby bike station, ride it to your hearts content for an hour or two, then return it to any other bike station in the city.
Step 3:Take public transit once you arrive at your destination—most major transit systems now post maps and schedules online on multilingual sites, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the system in advance. In addition, some systems have applications for smart phones so you can get up-to-date information as you travel.
Step 4:Move between cities using buses, trains and ferries, which tend to be greener than automobiles and airplanes—buses are considered more efficient than cars because their emissions are shared by several dozen people. If you have to fly or drive to get where youre going, take the most direct route and see if you can go green by proceeding on foot or bicycle once you arrive.
Step 5:Rent an electric car if you must travel by vehicle and focus on green driving behaviors. Plan an efficient route, inflate your tires properly and remove unnecessary cargo to improve fuel efficiency and reduce the vehicles carbon dioxide emissions.
1 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
With the green transportation choices, you can enter the ancient kingdom.( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
2 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
A marine ferry enables you to see dolphins and eagles, read a book or two and chat with the crew. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
3 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
The greener the road you take, the more money you will save. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
4 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Bicycling, walking and taking ships are considered as the greenest transportation choices. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
5 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Comfortable shoes are necessary for walking to avoid fatigue. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
6 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
While walking you’d better take a good map with you. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
7 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
The bike-sharing system offers services to tourists for free. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
8 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Smart phones are a must during your travel. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
9 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Buses are considered more efficient than cars because their emissions are taken in by passengers. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
10 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
People can’t drive cars in any situation if they want to protect the environment. ( )
  • A
  • B
  • C
    Not Given
2 [ 组合题 ] (10.0分) 未指定技能
     Rising College Selectivity。Rising college selectivity doesnt mean that students are smarter and more serious than in the past. Its a function of excess demand for higher education, occurring at a time of increased financial privatization of the industry.
    The recession has only increased demand. The vast majority of students arent going to college because of a thirst for knowledge. Theyre there because they need a job, and they need to get the credentials and one hopes, the knowledge and skills behind the credentials—that will get them into the labor market.
    As higher education has become a sellers market, the institutions in a position to do so are doing what comes naturally: raising their tuitions and their admissions requirements, but at the expense of contributing to the national goal to increase college attainment. The result is that the United States is losing ground in the international race for educational talent.
    The increasing stratification of higher education is happening on the spending side, as well. As the selective institutions have become more expensive and less attainable, the rest have had to struggle with the responsibility to enroll more students without being paid to do so. Gaps between rich and poor have grown even more dramatically than gaps in entering test scores. While spending is a poor measure of educational quality, we cant seriously expect to increase educational attainment if were not prepared to do something to address these growing inequities in funding.
    That said, the educational policy problem in our country is not that the elite institutions are becoming more selective. The problem is on the public policy side. The president and many governors have set a goal to return America to a position of international leadership in educational attainment.
Its the right goal, we just need a financing strategy to get there. That doesnt mean just more money, although some more money will be needed. It also means better attention to effectiveness and educational attainment. We know how to do it, if we want to.
1 [ 单选题 ] (2.0分) 未指定技能
The demand for higher education has increased because ( )
  • A
    the number of students keeps growing
  • B
    there is a boost in the labor market
  • C
    of the rising college selectivity
  • D
    of the economic depression
2 [ 单选题 ] (2.0分) 未指定技能
According to most students, what is the most essential condition that enables them to get into the labor market? ( )
  • A
  • B
    Being employed.
  • C
    Going to college.
  • D
    Knowledge and skills.
3 [ 单选题 ] (2.0分) 未指定技能
Since higher education has become a sellers market, the national goal to increase college attainment ( ).
  • A
    will be fulfilled in a short time
  • B
    will be difficult to achieve
  • C
    will draw more public concern
  • D
    will demand more financial input
4 [ 单选题 ] (2.0分) 未指定技能
As it is mentioned in the 4th paragraph, gaps have grown dramatically between ( ).
  • A
    the talented students and the slow ones
  • B
    the advanced countries and the others
  • C
    the selective institutions and the rest
  • D
    the rich families and the poor ones
5 [ 单选题 ] (2.0分) 未指定技能
What does the author think should be modified? ( )
  • A
    The selectivity of elite institutions.
  • B
    The industrialization of education.
  • C
    The goal of education attainment.
  • D
    The governments funding strategy.
3 [ 组合题 ] (10.0分) 未指定技能
概括段落大意和补全句子,完成以下问题。Five Reasons to Celebrate Mistakes
1 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Mistakes have a way of focusing our attention and putting crucial problems right in our face. Mistakes light a path for us. When we own up to our mistakes, we often know exactly what is not working and what we can do to fix it.
  • A
    Mistakes encourage taking risks
  • B
    Mistakes practice telling truth
  • C
    Mistakes make powerful teachers
  • D
    Mistakes are as important as success
  • E
    Mistakes focus our attention
  • F
    Mistakes make things work
2 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
There is one sure way to avoid mistakes and that is to avoid life. The writer who never finishes a book will never have to worry about getting negative reviews. The comedian who never performs in front of an audience is sure to avoid telling jokes that fall flat. When we are comfortable with making mistakes, we are more likely to take risks and tackle projects. Celebrating mistakes involves wisdom. Effective people do not set goals with the idea of making mistakes. Instead, they aim to reach those goals while accepting the risk of error.
  • A
    Mistakes encourage taking risks
  • B
    Mistakes practice telling truth
  • C
    Mistakes make powerful teachers
  • D
    Mistakes are as important as success
  • E
    Mistakes focus our attention
  • F
    Mistakes make things work
3 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Imagine working at a company that has no standards___where mistakes are not distinguished from success and no one is held accountable for errors. We could turn in the most careless and crudest piece of work we had ever done, and they would get treated the same as our best work. We would never be able to count on having the supplies we needed because no one would complain when vendors failed to deliver. Projects could go permanently unfinished and no one would say anything. In an atmosphere where there is no difference between failure and success, the word “mistake” would be without meaning. Mistakes can happen only when people are truly committed to making things work.
  • A
    Mistakes encourage taking risks
  • B
    Mistakes practice telling truth
  • C
    Mistakes make powerful teachers
  • D
    Mistakes are as important as success
  • E
    Mistakes focus our attention
  • F
    Mistakes make things work
4 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
The word “mistake” derives meaning only by comparison to what we desire. Noticing and admitting our mistakes reminds us of what we really want to have, do, and be. Mistakes offer us an opportunity to practice truth telling. With this act come the rewards of honesty and frankness, including self-knowledge and the capacity for change. As we tell the truth about our mistakes, we can benefit by releasing shame and blame. Fixing mistakes and preventing them from happening again are key goals.
  • A
    Mistakes encourage taking risks
  • B
    Mistakes practice telling truth
  • C
    Mistakes make powerful teachers
  • D
    Mistakes are as important as success
  • E
    Mistakes focus our attention
  • F
    Mistakes make things work
5 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Mistakes are usually more instructive than success___and often far more interesting. The lessons we learn from making mistakes often stick with us for a lifetime. We can translate those lessons into new values and behaviours that make a profound difference. With all these potential benefits from mistakes, we have plenty of reasons to celebrate them.
  • A
    Mistakes encourage taking risks
  • B
    Mistakes practice telling truth
  • C
    Mistakes make powerful teachers
  • D
    Mistakes are as important as success
  • E
    Mistakes focus our attention
  • F
    Mistakes make things work
6 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
We often know through mistakes what is going wrong and _________.
  • A
    stick with us for a lifetime
  • B
    what we can do to fix it
  • C
    committed to making things work
  • D
    accepting the risk of error
  • E
    worry about being criticized
  • F
    preventing them from happening
7 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
If a writer never finishes his book, he will never have to __________.
  • A
    stick with us for a lifetime
  • B
    what we can do to fix it
  • C
    committed to making things work
  • D
    accepting the risk of error
  • E
    worry about being criticized
  • F
    preventing them from happening
8 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
Effective people aim to reach their goals while_________________.
  • A
    stick with us for a lifetime
  • B
    what we can do to fix it
  • C
    committed to making things work
  • D
    accepting the risk of error
  • E
    worry about being criticized
  • F
    preventing them from happening
9 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
People can make mistakes only when they are truly ______________.
  • A
    stick with us for a lifetime
  • B
    what we can do to fix it
  • C
    committed to making things work
  • D
    accepting the risk of error
  • E
    worry about being criticized
  • F
    preventing them from happening
10 [ 单选题 ] (1.0分) 未指定技能
We can learn some lessons from making mistakes, which often ___________.
  • A
    stick with us for a lifetime
  • B
    what we can do to fix it
  • C
    committed to making things work
  • D
    accepting the risk of error
  • E
    worry about being criticized
  • F
    preventing them from happening
第三部分:问答题 (共1道题) 展开全部
1 [ 问答题 ] (30.0分) 未指定技能
请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英文短文。On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?

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