[ 单选题 ] 英语能力测试

May 20

56 West Coast Crescent

05-08 West Bay

Singapore 128038

Ms. Marie Wan, Editor

Pacific Horizon Publishers

PO Box 1624A

Singapore 190603

Dear Ms. Wan,

I am delighted that Pacific Horizon Publishers is hiring a consultant to translate Ako’s Song into French. I hope that my work will have as much success in French-speaking regions as it has had in Singapore and the United States.

Thank you for sending me the contract outlining the time-line for completing the translation. The contract terms sound fine overall; however, there are a couple of details I’d like to discuss.

The contract lists the scheduled release date of the book as July 31. Since I will be out of the country at the end of July. I would like that date to be changed to August 14. That would give me adequate time to review the design and format of the translated book before it is printed.

As noted in the contract, the French translation of Ako’s Song will contain a special introduction thanking French-speaking readers for their support of my book. According to the contract, the introduction should be no longer than 500 words in length; however, it is possible that the introduction will be slightly longer, perhaps up to 600 words. I have already written a draft in English, which I am enclosing with this letter.

If you agree with the revisions I have proposed, we should be able to complete our final contract negotiations within the next few weeks. I will be here in Singapore until July 1, so we can talk over the telephone or in person any time before then. Please telephone me at home at 555 85 65 and let me know when you are available to talk.

Thank you very much for the time and effort you are putting into this project, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Ashley Holt

What does Ms. Holt ask Ms. Wan to do ?(  )

  • A、 Contact a publisher in another country
  • B、 Write an article about a book
  • C、 Allow more time to complete a review
  • D、 Offer services at a reduced date